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Zurich Center for Linguistics


5th LiZZ-Gespräch: Multimodality

Thursday, October 24, 2024
16:15 - 18:00 with apéro
KOL-E-13 (Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich)

Consideration of language as a multimodal phenomenon has gained traction in recent years. Textual, auditory, and visual cues are considered and sometimes combined with additional signals such as those of neuroscience. The aim of this panel discussion is to investigate the benefits of looking at multiple modalities in language-related research, to obtain insights into ongoing multimodality research in the context of the Zurich Center for Linguistics (LiZZ), and to assess technical, legal, and ethical challenges arising from dealing with different modalities. We are looking forward to our panelists:

  • Prof. Dr. Nathalie Giroud (Computational Neuroscience of Speech & Hearing UZH)
  • Amit Moryossef (Language, Technology and Accessibility UZH)
  • Dr. Farhad Nooralahzadeh (UZH Krauthammer Lab, ZHAW School of Engineering)
  • Dr. Teodora Vuković (DSI and LiRI UZH)
  • Moderation: Prof. Dr. Sarah Ebling (Language, Technology and Accessibility UZH)

The LiZZ-Gespräche are a public event series with the aim of promoting direct and personal dialogue among LiZZ members and everybody else interested in linguistics. Everybody sharing an interest in linguistics is welcome to join!

The 5th LiZZ-Gespräch takes place on October 24, 2024 at the UZH City Campus, room KOL-E-13 (Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich). The event will be conducted in English.

For on-site or virtual participation please register below.






Drop a note if you wish to receive further details about the event



LiZZ-Gespräche in the past

4th LiZZ-Gespräch on "Diversity and Inclusion" – 20.11.2023 Podcast 4. LiZZ-Gespräch. Panel: Prof. Dr. Tobias Haug (Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik), Prof. Dr. Susanne Kempi-Preti (Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik), Prof. Dr. Nathalie Giroud (UZH), Dr. Eva Zehentner (UZH, Moderation)

3rd LiZZ-Gespräch on "Interdisciplinarity in the classroom: more linguistics in more subjects?" – December 06, 2022 Podcast 3rd LiZZ-Gespräch. Panel: Dr. Matthias Friedli (Schweizer Idiotikon; Neue Kanti Aarau), Christoph Hottiger (UZH), Lara Dredge-Zehnder (Alte Kanti Aarau; Co-Leiterin Fachgruppe Deutsch), Dr. Janine Richner-Steiner (Kantonsschule Wettingen) and Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer (UZH, moderation)

2nd LiZZ-Gespräch on "Linguistics in School" – April 28, 2022 Podcast 2nd LiZZ-Gespräch. Panel: Dr. Harald Völker (UZH), Elisa Papathanassiou (UZH, Project "Linguistik an Mittelschulen" of SSG), Dr. Aleksandar Popov (HSGYM; Rektor KZO Wetzikon), Dana Niederhäuser (winner of the gold medal of Schweizer Linguistik-Olympiade 2022) and Prof. Marianne Hundt (UZH, moderation)

Kick-Off-Event on "Linguistics in 20 Years" – October 21, 2021 Podcast Kick-Off LiZZ-Gespräch. Panel: LiZZ members Prof. Balthasar Bickel, Prof. Francesco Gardani, Prof. Lena Jäger, Prof. Elisabeth Stark and Prof. Guido Seiler (moderation)