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Zurich Center for Linguistics

Left Periphery Reloaded - 01.12.2017

Cross-linguistic comparison based on fine-grained descriptions of word order issues in different languages have led formal approaches to language, since at least the late eighties of the last century, to postulate the existence of a series of syntactic positions (projections) linked to different semantic-pragmatic features. 1997, Luigi Rizzi published his seminal paper on the "Fine structure of the left periphery", a thought-provoking model of the syntax and function of sentence-initial elements, which has led to a multitude of discoveries not only on the descriptive, but also the experimental and psycholinguistic level. 


The Zurich Center for Linguistics is happy to host a one-day workshop "The Left Periphery reloaded", with contributions on the relation between information structure and syntax from inside and outside the cartographic model, with Pierre Larrivée (Caen), Genoveva Puskas (Geneva),  Luigi Rizzi (Geneva), and Alvaro de Toledo y Huerta (Munich), as invited speakers. Attendance is free. 

Full poster can be downloaded here. 


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